Dear Adelle,
Thank you for your kind warnings, but I shall not be deterred by a bit of demon muck. The thought of sharing a holiday with you has sustained me through this last rather trying patch. Life at the Royal Nursing College of Magical Afflictions here in London has become one long slog. I believe my course on metaphysical pathophysiology will be the end of me. It would be heaven to escape the sisters at St. Zelda’s Infirmary, the endless days of cleaning bedpans and disposing of extracted succubi. How I long to linger over coffee and hob nobs with you.
Thank you for not mentioning T. by name in your letter. The less said of my recent romantic disappointment, the better.
Warmest regards from your bosom friend,
(Heidi Randen)
Glad Marguerite is present and accounted for at last! Any woman who can dispose of an extracted succubus should be able to handle a month at Brightwick...right?